React Knowledgeable

React Knowledgeable, nicknamed <RK />, is a fun and friendly podium to share what we learn about React.

Speak at RK

Baby React Knowledgeable is Born

wei on July 7, 2019

<RK /> is built with a lot of fun and love. It has been a React podium where no one speaks about React 🤦🏻‍♀️ (but we'll fix that). And it's been more...

<RK /> started as a weekly sharing in my company's React team. With our thirty and growing developers, we have been running for 36 weeks (as of July 2019), delivered 50+ talks by more than 20 speakers, 6 of us have spoken at a local meetup this year, and some of us will start speaking at conferences later this year.

Most of our developers were previously not very involved in our local tech scope. To be honest, none of us had any prior public speaking experience to begin with and so you may wonder, what brought us doing <RK /> now and what do we plan on doing for the future?

Well, we started doing a weekly sharing because things we learn and problems we solve are shiny interesting and we need to tell others about it. Some of us who were more comfortable speaking started giving talks and even series of talks that could connect to a mini course and we (I) call him professor now. Then a few more people would give speaking a try. And we realize that as we prepare for talks, the need to “teach” pushed us to dive deeper into the subjects and we ended up learning more about them. Some of us have become the go-to person in our team in some fields. I think it is fair to say that having a well-organized talk series inside our team is like a magic podium that uplifted the career trajectory for a lot of us, and it has completely changed mine.

If you were with us at ReactJS meetup last month, and happened to have arrived earlier, you may have seen @swyx giving a talk on #learnInPublic. While at <RK /> what we have is a podium, but what we really want to do is to get better together at whatever we are doing, and to share with others. Because sharing is caring, and sharing is also a best way to learn. So we'd like to pass on the spirit of learning in public, and create this lovely vibe in this town, more experts in more topics, more speakers, and, you know, love of React. Shawn doesn't know it, but his talk spawned 5 new blogs to my knowledge alone. And so we cannot keep this to ourselves, ( ...

So here's the plan, we'll start doing a lightning talk series with RK. We'll do 4 ~ 5 lightnings with no Q&A attached, but with a networking break in between. Lightning talks are fun and compact. Here is an awesome lightning talk that you absolutely have to check out: ⚡️ - Andres Suarez - Moving Fast with Nuclide and Flow - React Conf 2017. At 30 seconds the guy has a slide that says "DEMO".

We'll pace our events out with our lovely brother meetup ReactJS Singapore, so hopefully we'll have one React meetup once every other week? We're looking at a first meetup event on Aug 6, the Tuesday in two weeks, before the national holiday. We still got 2 spots for lightning, so grab them before they're filled.

Here's how you can reach us: